The rock that got my blog rolling


Yesterday my 4 year old threw a big rock at me.  It was the size of a tennis ball!

Simply for laughing at a story he was telling to a random passerby.  The story wasn’t a comedy.  It was serious business about a supposed wasp’s nest he’d found inside a big stick at the park.

Silly Mummy.  Laughing at your child at an inopportune time, proved to be hazardous!

It really hurt.  So naturally, I’m sorry I laughed.

During the night, someone coughed and woke me up.  I lay there wide awake, tossing and turning as you do trying to get back to sleep.  All the while my mind was racing, my leg still throbbing.  Then the idea struck me like the rock that smashed me in the leg.

I am going to start a blog about the perils of parenting boys!  And Lucky our Beagle puppy. Cause she’s too cute not to include.




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